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And many used books now available online: See COVID-19 Update below


Our store at 43 Seneca Street is now open! Come to our store wearing a mask for in-person service or order your books online for curbside pickup. Our new books can be purchased through our website and we're adding used books to that inventory daily. If you wish to purchase a used book which you can't find in our online store, please contact us at havenbooks@cusaonline.ca and we'll do our best to help. For curbside pickups, a staff member will be at the store between 11 am and 7 pm from Wednesday to Sunday. If you require special accommodation, please add a note to your order at the time of checkout and we'll make arrangements.



Cyber regulators deny rumors they approved VPN …:China's cyber regulators have denied they have given a company green light to sell VPN services in the nation, stating it was Cyber regulators deny rumors they approved VPN service Global Times Published: 2021-07-10 15:29:38

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Don’t let old textbooks collect dust. Turn them into cash!

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9 minutes by foot (From Carleton Campus)

2 minutes by bus (Sunnyside & Seneca stop)
